Cinderella is Dead — Review

★★★ TW: Mentions of suicide, misogyny, homophobia, physical and sexual assault, death, domestic abuse, graphic animal death, corpse description, sexism, violence, forced marriage, murder, human trafficking, toxic masculinity, ableism and classism. Set 200 years after Cinderella married Prince Charming, all that's left of that fairytale only exists in the book every household is required to … Continue reading Cinderella is Dead — Review

Trigger Warnings in Books and Reviews

I've heard the argument that different people, based on the experiences, can be triggered by different things. And that's true, it's valid. It's impossible to know what's triggering to whom. Real-life—reality doesn't give trigger warnings. But does that mean we shouldn't have trigger warnings? Absolutely not. We should have always, always have trigger warnings. When we … Continue reading Trigger Warnings in Books and Reviews

The “Friend-zone” Concept

Friend-zone is a non-existent concept that's largely a heteronormative, self-pitying, and sexist version of unrequited love. Often the "good guys" say that they're stuck in the friend-zone even when they were nice and kind to the woman they're attracted to and she ends up choosing the "wrong" guy/the "bad" guy. Get this clear—women don't owe men love or sex just because they're nice to them.